A special programme has launched to support social care workers, people who draw on
social care, and family carers to save hundreds of pounds on their energy bills. Taking
Charge (www.TakingChargeEnergy.co.uk) offers free interactive webinars and accessible
resources, specially tailored to the home-life and working routines of people who work in
social care, and the people they support.
With many social care workers and families struggling with escalating prices, and many
disabled people paying more than double the energy bill of the average consumer, the
programme offers vital support and guidance to help significantly cut energy bills. It is
completely free to access and open to anyone who can benefit from it.
Taking Charge has been created by Community Integrated Care. It draws together expert
advice from leading energy organisations with the insights and perspectives shaped by the
people it supports and their colleagues.
The charity is offering free half-hour webinars at www.TakingChargeEnergy.co.uk every:
• Tuesday at 11am
• Wednesday at 6pm
• Thursday 1pm
These fun interactive workshops provide a room-by-room walk-through of energy-saving
opportunities in every house. Offering genuinely novel and impactful life-hacks, that enable
people to save significant amounts with just simple actions, the programme will benefit
every attendee.
Community Integrated Care has already delivered this programme internally to more than
200 people, with 100% of participants stating that they feel more able to manage their
energy bills.
Oliver Thomason, Inclusion Assistant at Community Integrated Care, says, “As someone who
has a learning disability, I am passionate about supporting the care sector through this
difficult time. I have learned so much about energy usage through co-producing the Taking
Charge campaign. I am sure that this project will make a big difference to people’s lives this
I would encourage anyone who accesses social care or works in care to visit
www.TakingChargeEnergy.co.uk and access our free support. There is really something for
everyone in this campaign.”
John Hughes, Director of Partnerships and Communities at Community Integrated Care,
says: “Taking Charge is an incredible campaign, that offers people genuinely expert energy
saving advice in fun, accessible and engaging ways. The programme enables people to really
understand their energy usage, with simple tips and tricks that can knock hundreds of
pounds from bills.
This has helped our colleagues and the people we support to feel more confident and
empowered them to make their money go further.
We are keen to help as many people as possible at this difficult time. If you work in social
care, please explore how you, your colleagues, and the people you support can access this
invaluable free support.”