Celebrating Our Amazing Staff!
This week we took time out to celebrate our Proud to be Parkhaven Award Winners!
Finalists of our annual Proud to be Parkhaven Awards were all nominated by their own colleagues and service user families. Nominations have taken place across our services for the past few months and we’ve had such a great response (over 120 nominations in total!).
We asked staff and service user families to nominate their colleagues across a range of categories and we’ve been overwhelmed by the pouring in of positivity and great practice that we have seen across these nominations. It really shows that there is excellence across the board at Parkhaven Trust and this is something we are very proud of.
Winners and runners up for each category were chosen by a panel of judges made up of a cross section of the organization; trustees, senior management team, admin and care staff were all represented on the judging panel.
The Inspirational Leader Award Winner is Sarah Incledon-Blevin, Service Manager at James Page House. Finalist Ann West, Scheme Leader at The White House.
This award recognises a member of staff that demonstrates a supportive, motivational approach to their work; always leading by example.
Sarah’s nominators said:
“She encourages and supports other managers as well as her own staff. Her support has been invaluable.”
“She is passionate about the work she and her team do.”
“She is encouraging to her staff gaining extra training and developing their skills further.”
“We regularly receive excellent feedback from student nurses who have been lucky enough to train alongside her, she is always willing to give them her time and assistance.”
Picture shows: Julie Williams Chair of Trustees, Julie Gibson collecting Award on behalf of Ann West, Sarah Incledon-Blevin & Kim Crowe Chief Executive.
The New Starter Award Winner Paula Anitei-Netchita, Cook & Kitchen Assistant at James Page House. Finalist Craig Jones, Health Care Assistant at The Beeches.
This award was open to anyone who had worked for the Trust for less than a year at the time of nomination. It recognises those that have worked with us for just a short time but have already demonstrated the Trust values of kindness, care and positivity.
Paula’s nominators said:
“She works really hard, she is a great team player.”
“She makes sure she visits with service users when she is on shift in the kitchens and caters for all their needs.”
“She shows initiative, no job is too much trouble.”
“She gets involved in celebration days to make mealtimes special, bringing a smile to everyone’s face.”
Picture shows: Julie Williams Chair of Trustees, Craig Jones, Paula Anitei-Nechita & Kim Crowe Chief Executive.
The Outstanding Learner Award Winner is Paula Stephens, Care Assistant at The Beeches. Finalist Linda Ashburner, Care Supervisor at James Page.
This category is for any member of staff who has completed a qualification or taken on further learning that has had a positive impact on the services they deliver.
Paula’s nominators said:
“She has completed her NVQ qualification with a distinction.”
“She is very caring and professional in her approach to work.”
“She supports new staff with enthusiasm, she is an absolute asset to the Trust.”
Picture shows: Julie Williams Chair of Trustees, Sarah Incledon-Blevin collecting Award on behalf of Linda Ashburner, Paula Stephens & Kim Crowe Chief Executive.
The Long Service Award Winner is Linda Kewley, Housekeeper at The Beeches. Finalist Julie Gibson, Care Worker at The White House.
This category recognises a member of staff that hasn’t necessarily worked here the longest but who has consistently shown excellence in the work that they do. Recognising someone who has been a real asset to Parkhaven Trust, positively welcoming new starters and demonstrating all the values of the Trust.
Linda’s nominators said:
“She is always there to support the team, picking up extra shifts or swapping shifts if needed.”
“She does her own job and much more, she is always cleaning and has a very high standard that inspires others to do the same.”
“She is always helping others and she actively goes out of her way to support people.”
Picture shows: Julie Williams Chair of Trustees, Julie Gibson, Linda Kewley & Kim Crowe Chief Executive.
The Excellence in Care Award for front line staff Winner is Jeanette Colleran, Team Leader at The Beeches. Finalist Francesca Saggers, Senior Care Worker at James Page.
This category recognises those who demonstrate the values of the Trust. An excellent team player and problem solver, they go above and beyond to deliver a service at the best of their ability. They show initiative to motivate other team members, they work directly with our service users.
Jeanette’s nominators said:
“I love being on shift with her as she is always supportive and is appreciative of her colleagues.”
“She is incredibly hardworking and will happily go above and beyond for both residents and colleagues, no matter the situation.”
“She has the service users’ needs at heart and even calls the service on her day off to check on how they are doing if they are going through an episode of bad health. She really does care.”
Picture shows: Julie Williams Chair of Trustees, Jeanette Colleran, Sarah Incledon-Blevin collecting Award on behalf of Francesca Saggers & Kim Crowe Chief Executive.
The Excellence in Care Award for non-front line staff Winner is Laura Anderson, Administrator at James Page. Finalist Donna Cormack, Housing Officer at Parkhaven Court.
This category recognises those who work ‘behind the scenes’ to help provide an excellent service to our service users and their families.
This award goes to a member of our staff who although isn’t working directly with our service users; is an integral part in the services we provide. They received several nominations which is testament to their skill and knowledge in their role.
Laura’s nominators said:
“This person works so very hard and has improved our systems and the delivery of the service she works in.”
“She is a role model to all our young staff.”
“She is highly organised and efficient – always kind, considerate and helpful.”
“She has been instrumental in the successful role out of the new rota system and has also spent time supporting other staff in other services with this new system.”
Picture shows: Julie Williams Chair of Trustees, Beccy Incledon-Blevin collecting Award on behalf of Donna Cormack, Laura Anderson & Kim Crowe Chief Executive.
The Parkhaven Spirit Award Winner is Diane Clappcott, Care Worker at The White House. Finalist Georgia Reposar, Care Worker at The Beeches.
This category was open to ALL staff who work for the Trust. It could be given to an individual or a team. It recognises those that embody the values of the Trust. They are friendly to all service users, families and other staff, they use initiative to problem solve and help make positive changes in their services to ensure we are providing the best possible service.
Diane’s nominators said:
“She was extremely calm and collected during a crisis with a service user – where she was able to perform CPR (3 times) to help keep a service user alive whilst away on holiday. This allowed time for the service users family to fly out and spend precious time saying goodbye to their loved one before they sadly passed away. She showed great courage, kindness and care throughout this truly challenging and upsetting time.”
Picture shows: Julie Williams Chair of Trustees, Craig Jones collecting Award on behalf of Georgia Resposar, Diane Clappcott & Kim Crowe Chief Executive.
The Volunteer of the Year Award Winner is Robbie O’Connor, Volunteer at Parkhaven Court.Finalist Karen Underwood, Volunteer at Parkhaven Court & James Page House.
Robbie’s nominators said:
“He is always happy and friendly – cheering everyone up when he arrives.”
“He helps with all our activities and gets involved in all that he can. He helps people who might struggle with conversation to get involved.”
“He was heavily involved with getting our gardening group going and helping our residents grow veg and plants – we are extremely grateful for his presence with us.”
“He brings smiles and joy wherever he goes along with his little dog Betty.”
Picture shows: Julie Williams Chair of Trustees, Karen Underwood, Robbie O’Connor & Kim Crowe Chief Executive.
The Service of the Year Winner is Elm Unit at The Beeches. Finalist Oak Unit at The Beeches.
This category is voted for by service user’s families and carers as well as our own staff. This Award recognises the service that demonstrates excellence in care consistently, giving the best possible care to our service users.
Nominators said:
“This service has such a great ‘team spirit’ they show great care and kindness to everyone they care for.”
“I can go home and leave my Dad, knowing that my Dad will be cared for like the staffs own family. I can relax knowing he is safe and well. This is just an amazing feeling.”
“They have excellent relationships with all service users, the home is caring, welcoming and friendly.”
Picture shows: Julie Williams Chair of Trustees, Jeanette Colleran, Craig Jones & Kim Crowe Chief Executive.
We have received such a high level of nominations across all categories this year, It was very difficult for our judges to pick winners and runners up. Our staff really are what set us apart here at Parkhaven, we are proud and grateful for ALL our staff who have worked so hard over the past year.
Congratulations to everyone who was nominated!