Award winning Parkhaven Trust have once again received high levels of staff satisfaction when compared with similar organisations according to the latest staff survey bench marking reports.
We are delighted that for the third year running, we have won an Employee Engagement Award from Agenda Consulting for achieving a score of at least 80% for the question “I would recommend this organisation as a good place to work” – Parkhaven achieved 85%.
That’s up 3% on our figure from last year!
Kim Crowe, Chief Executive at Parkhaven Trust said; “We are delighted to have been recognised for our excellent staff satisfaction levels. This has once again been a very challenging year for our staff. Our dedicated team of staff work hard and often go above and beyond in their roles to keep our service users happy and safe.
At the heart of what we do is an ethos of kindness, caring and experience. This same approach applies to our team of staff who all benefit from a working culture that is open, honest and focused on investing in developing our staff’s skill set. A large part of this is the importance we place on paying our staff a fair rate for a hard day’s work and our accreditation as a Real Living Wage employer.
This all adds up to happier staff that provide an excellent service to our clients. The award backs up what we at Parkhaven already know – Parkhaven Trust is a great place to work!”
How Parkhaven compare
- 85% of staff would recommend Parkhaven as a good place to work. (that’s 13% more than similar organisations)
- 90% of staff feel supported by their managers to improve their skills (that’s 20% more than similar organisations)
- 94% of staff feel the service they work in delivers a high quality service to the people they support. (that’s 13% more than similar organisations)
- 92% of staff said their work at Parkhaven Trust gives them a sense of personal achievement (that’s 6% more than similar organisations)
- 89% of staff highly rate the leadership in their services (that’s 14% more than similar organisations)
What Our Staff Say:
“The best thing about working for Parkhaven Trust is knowing that every service user is well cared for and all their needs are met. I have a good set of colleagues that are trustworthy, helpful and supportive.”
“It’s lovely to see staff that genuinely care about the job that they do. I love to come to work.”
“We all work as a team. Everyone makes you feel welcome.”
“A pleasant environment and good teamwork make caring for our residents a pleasure.”
“I really enjoy my job it can be challenging at times but so rewarding too, I feel valued and like making a difference to the lives of the people we support; a very rewarding job. I get great satisfaction knowing I am making a difference.”
All our latest vacancies can be found at
Staff from Parkhaven Trust (from L-R) Kim Crowe (Chief Executive), Rachel Low, Sam Bradley, Sandra Tope, Laurie Roberts, Chris Allen, Jon Mcgee, Tricia Melling, Julie Gibson, Matt Copple (Trustee)